Spotify and Apple Music Best of 2017 Playlists

Yesterday, I published what I consider to be a list of the absolute best songs of the year, but I also promised a more extensive list of some of the year’s best songs. Here are links to both Spotify and Apple Music versions of this, and thanks to Zack, whom we like to call our visual consultant, for making the Spotify version. Keep in mind, these are not ranked or in any particular order other than a good musical order for a playlist.

For Apple Music:
Click Here

For Spotify:

8 thoughts on “Spotify and Apple Music Best of 2017 Playlists”

  1. Took a look at his site….he likes them Yawper boys…no good. I give the site a light 5/10 honestly.

    (Oh, and also love the playlist of course 😉 )

    1. Enjoy the site, but adding snow would be a nice touch, and the time zone drives me nuts 😀 As to the Yawpers, we all have a fatal flaw 😛

      1. Took a look at the timezone…I got nothing. It says it’s fixed to my current location. I have no clue. How are you even viewing time on blogs anyway? Just curious, lol. I do know my stats and whatever reset at like 8 PM instead of midnight like you think they would. I’d like to fix it but I’m dumb, lol.

        1. Lol, I just notice when I comment there it is always six hours ahead, and because I have an intercontinental relationship, I know that automatically to be UK time, GMT. It probably doesn’t drive other people crazy 😀

  2. So no Parker McCullum or Jake Ward. Read Southall Band? I know they are definitely different than most of the rest of the stuff on here but Jake Ward’s ‘Not to Far to Reach” is fantastic. I mean if you put Aaron Watson on here they are somewhat in the same ballpark.

      1. He definitely has a more pop feel than a lot of what you typically enjoy but It’s got the nostalgia of the 90’s that I grew up listening that I love. It’s produced very well and decent lyrics. “Where the wind Blows” would be my second favorite on that EP. I think it is worth a listen for sure. Along that same line is Jon Stork. But let me know what you think.

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