
Country Exclusive’s Principles

1. Always Be Honest
Country Exclusive was founded, above all else, on a principle of honesty. Honesty is lacking in both the mainstream and independent worlds right now. I will stand by my opinions regardless of their popularity or lack thereof with any group or entity. I will not criticize a record just because it comes out of the mainstream, nor will I praise a record simply because it is independent.

2. Keep an Open Mind
I will listen to and learn from other’s perspectives, recognizing that each person’s opinion is equally valuable. I am not looking for an echo chamber. Dissent is welcomed at CE and will be treated with respect if it is given with respect.

3. Do Not Discriminate or Show Preferential treatment
Country exclusive will not discriminate against any artist based on race, sex, orientation, political or religious views, disability, or any other qualifier not related to the music and will provide equal opportunity for coverage to every artist. By the same token, we will not promote special interests or guarantee equal results based on outside factors; we will promote quality instead of quotas and judge all work based on merit.

4. Keep it About the Music
Criticism will remain related to the music, and in some cases to the public persona/brand of the artist and will avoid personal attacks on artists and their families. Sarcasm is fine, but artists are human beings and should be given courtesy regardless of my feelings on their music.

5. Look for the Positive
Even when a review is negative overall ,I will try and find the positives and embrace improvement. I will not let an artist’s past work cloud my judgment on a current project. I will not overlook the mainstream and will be diligent to point out the good in pop country and the things Music Row gets right.

6. Only Cover Things That Inspire Passion to Write
While I strongly encourage suggestions from readers and pitches from artists and publicists, I will not write a review or other piece solely out of pressure or obligation and will not require any other CE writer to do so. I will write only about things which move me and to which I feel I can contribute something meaningful to the discussion, either positive or negative.

7. Accessibility
I will do everything within my power to keep Country exclusive accessible to the blind community and enjoyable to navigate with screen readers on all platforms, and will encourage other writers to do the same if/when i am presented with the opportunity.

8. Welcome Criticism
I will admit my mistakes and encourage feedback. As a critic, I must also be open to criticism.

9. Music First, Country second
I will advocate for genre lines and speak out against the erosion of country music, but I will judge projects as music first. I will promote good music no matter its rightful genre, but I will fight for the traditional sounds and stories of country music to be preserved.

10. Love People
I will treat others with kindness and respect if at all possible and encourage CE to be a community of free-thinking people. We may embrace different ideologies or come from very different walks of life, but we are all here because we love music, and music is the one thing powerful enough to reach across these divides and bring us all together. May it never lose that power.

The Most Destructive Criticism is Indifference